Section : ACCOMMODATION IN LIEGE | INcoming students - Erasmus + | Pédagogique

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  • Erasmus IN



    INcoming ERASMUS+ students

    • en français

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      Come and study as an Erasmus+ student at HELMo for one semester or one year.

      Dates :                                 

      - autumn semester : from Tuesday September 10th 2024 to Friday January 24th 2025

      arrival in Liège on Monday September 9th at the latest

      - spring semester : from Monday January 27th (to be confirmed) to Friday June 20th 2025

      arrival in Liège on Sunday January 26th at the latest


      Nomination and registration deadline :

      nomination registration file and learning agreement
      autumn semester May 15th June 1st
      spring semester November 15th December 1st


      Language :  

      All our courses are given in FRENCH.

      Therefore we can only welcome students with a minimum B1 level in French.

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      Download our brochure :

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      Focus on Erasmus @HELMo :

    • All Erasmus students can be hosted in Liège, whatever their field of study in teacher training is (preprimary, primary, secondary). Most students choose for Liège, a lively city center and a college town known as "The Glowing City".

      Nevertheless, HELMo teacher training department also gives students at primary level only the opportunity to study in Theux (green setting in the countryside) or Huy (a quiet smaller town). Please get in touch with our international office if it is your choice. We will send you an adapted course offer.



    • HELMo doesn't offer accommodation on campus. We can't book a room for you, but we will however try to help you find accommodation.

      Here are a few suggestions :

      1. Student residences :

      Rooms are available in some student residences in the city centre.
      Procedure : contact the agent yourself.

    • 2. Private landlords :

      We can help you by contacting landlords and suggesting a room in Liège. Approximate price : 300 - 500 €/month. When we send you the information, you then have to contact the landlord as soon as possible in order to confirm your reservation. The contract is signed between you and the landlord. Most of the time you will have to pay a deposit that can amount to a 2-month rent. In case of cancellation, you will have to pay damages.
      Procedure : get in touch with our secretary, Françoise Baijot ( and she will send you some addresses

    • 3. Find a room on the internet :

      You can look for a room yourself. Here are some websites that can be useful :  

      Once you have made a choice and contacted the landlord of the room, we can arrange for a visit, in order to check if the advert wasn't a hoax and if it will live up to your expectations.  Get in touch with Françoise Baijot ( if you need her help.

    • 4. "Georges Simenon" Youth hostel :

      You can book a room for one week at the Liège youth hostel, in order to have some time on arrival to look for a student room. You can find all the information here.
      You have to contact the hostel in order to make a reservation. The contract is signed between you and the hostel.
      Procedure : contact the youth hostel.

    • NEED HELP ? Our secretary, Françoise Baijot, will do her best to help you. Get in touch with her (